Does Twitter Limit the Number of People You Can Follow?

October 2, 2022 Off By Kyle Larson
Does Twitter Limit the Number of People You Can Follow?

When you first sign up for Twitter, you’re probably excited to see how many people you can follow. It’s a great way to discover new things and make friends easily. But as time goes on, you end up feeling shy about following random people or following your actual friends. As a result, you start turning off potential followers or limiting your audience. This can have negative consequences: You may feel isolated from the world and less inclined to share new things. Or you may end up with follower counts that are too low and feel left out of conversations with friends and strangers alike. 

To help you stay in the good graces of your followers and increase the number of people you can follow, here are some Twitter follower limit tips:

No more than 100 tweets per hour

If you’re using a mobile device, you can set this limit to avoid spamming everyone on the phone with updates. You can also set a timer to remind you to stay within this limit. Some people find this limit frustrating because they want to send lots of messages, and they don’t have time to respond to everyone. But if you’re a frequent Twitter user, you’ll probably be happy to learn that this limit applies to you, too.

Messaging no more than 1000 people in a day

Direct messages are private messages sent between you and one person. You can DM anyone you want, but you can’t send direct messages to more than 1000 other people on the same day. This limit may seem extreme, but remember, this is Twitter. There are far fewer potential friends on Twitter than there are on other platforms, and most people will never see your private messages. So, if you want to stay in touch with the people you care about, this limit is more than justified.

30 minutes before messaging new people

This is an interesting one. Some people find that waiting 30 minutes before they can start a new DM is enough time to stop what they’re doing and receive new messages. Others find that they’re too busy and want to receive messages right away but don’t have the time.

Message limit policies

This one is kind of a bummer, but true nonetheless. You can DM anyone you want, but you can’t send private messages to people you haven’t previously talked to, or you can’t DM people you’ve blocked unless they request a private message; in this case, you can give them the same advice you gave to everyone else.

Public or private timeline

Like the number of people you can follow, the option to switch between public and private timelines is up to you. Some people find it more comfortable to follow only people they know, while others are willing to give up some privacy.


While it’s great to follow your friends on Twitter, it’s also good to learn new things from other people, too. You may have heard that you have to follow people to get useful tweets, but that’s not the case on Facebook either. Both platforms let you follow people you want to learn from, and you can then use the Direct Message system to follow back. Now, with these tips and recommendations, you’ll be able to follow more people and make new friends easily on Twitter.